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November 27, 2019 2 min read

Being regarded as a leader of menswear style is an honor. When achieved, flawless style appears effortless and yet it is the product of meticulous attention to detail. When you are described as being the best dressed man in the room, it means more than your garments. It is the overall appeal, confidence, and power that radiates from a man who looks and feels great. Every man yearns to be that guy and we are here to help with a few actionable steps.

1. Be Brave and Confident

Taking the necessary steps to transform your style and image can be intimidating. It is important to create a vision in your mind of how you want your life to change and then make it happen. Solidify a plan, whether you want to earn more money, improve your personal appearance, or become a better man in general. Then, ignore the haters and take small actions every day to achieve your vision. 

2. Develop a Grooming Plan

When we fail to plan, we plan to fail. Looking your best every day is easier with some planning. When it comes to grooming, develop a routine for skin care, nail care, and basic hygiene. Schedule your barber appointments out for a few months so that your hair always looks its best like clockwork. Consider joining a grooming subscription service so that you never run out of important products or razors. 

3. Establish Your Personal Uniform

Spend some time exploring which styles best match your personality and lifestyle. An easy way to start is to take the Lingo Luxe persona quiz. From there you can curate some important pieces that will allow you create a look that defines you. Once you know what your "default outfit" is and its pieces are readily accessible at a moment's notice, it will be easy to look your best whatever the occasion. 

If perfecting your style is too tedious or too time consuming, you will natural revert back to your old, unrefined ways. This is why it is important to plan out your outfits in advance and have high quality basic garments ready to go. 

Once you experience the power and exhilaration that comes with being the best dressed man in the room, you will want more. The best way to guarantee that your wardrobe is impeccable and ready for whatever life throws your way is to consult with an online bespoke stylist. They will assist with building out several staple garments fit perfectly to your unique frame. 


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