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October 10, 2018 3 min read

Fast fashion has become a hot topic in the fashion industry and refers to the sped-up cycle of trends and consumption. Everything is designed to be replaced quickly, redundant within several months (if even that).

Not only is fast fashion expensive for you and our planet, the biggest corners fast fashion cuts go beyond quality. Cheap clothes are oftentimes made by underage foreign workers entering the industry as young as 14 to work long and hard hours for low wages.

It’s understandable that consumers are seeking alternatives that are more sustainable from both an economic, humanitarian and environmental standpoint.

Bespoke clothing is one such alternative and arguably the most discerning and ethical alternative available.

Bespoke clothing is one such alternative and arguably the most discerning and ethical alternative available.

Negative Impacts of Fast Fashion for the Individual

Fast fashion leads to seasonal offerings that are subsequently discounted within a couple of months to avoid stagnant stock. Customers purchase pieces not suited to their needs or wardrobe simply because they represent a bargain. As a result, consumers end up with overflowing wardrobes full of “stuff” they rarely wear and of which they eventually dispose.

This is especially true of many fast fashion suits and shirts. The fast-fashion treatment involves subpar construction and poor-quality fabrics; quick fusible interfacing replaces canvas. Pad stitching is used for the construction of these jacket’s shape. These clothes subsequently fail to withstand wear and laundering.

Negative Environmental Impact of Fast Fashion

It takes gallons of water to dye clothing, and even more to grow fibres such as cotton and linen. By investing in a classic piece that is built to last you avoid the massive water waste associated with seasonally replacing your wardrobe.

There is also an oversaturation of donated clothing and much of the used clothing donated is not fit for a secondary market, nor is there the need for it. Those spring-cleaning garbage bags are still full of unnecessary waste.

Consider Bespoke Clothing as an Alternative

At Lingo Luxe we want you to love your garment for years to come. We curate our fabric collection from reputable manufacturers from Italy, Switzerland and the UK. We work with you at the consultation to make sure the weight, weave, twist and fibre content of your fabric is suitable for your needs and lifestyle.  

Traditional tailoring methods are used to create garments as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside – the foundations are constructed in a way that makes it so the garment forms to your body over time and maintains shape.

We also take durability seriously. Every suit purchase comes with a high-quality, durable and breathable garment bag to protect your investment. Every shirt, waistcoat, blazer, suit and pair of trousers come with a wooden hanger of the appropriate size to support your garment in the right areas without stressing seams like a wire hanger.

Ethically made and crafted by a small team of talented tailors and sewers, we have a close working relationship with our makers. As a result, we’ve reduced our carbon footprint by not shipping supplies many times around the globe for cutting, sewing, and finishing.

A now loyal customer once came in for his first consultation and afterwards told us that learning about the process got him thinking about the amount of working time that went into each of our garments—the hands holding every seam, sewing every button, cutting every piece of fabric. 

The inherent high quality of bespoke clothing is the reason most people book a consultation with us. The ethical reasons are less well-known but when you consider the impact of fast fashion, they become equally as attractive.

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